If you have gone through the first two part of this “write-up”, you will be able to understand the remaining chapters (3, 4 & 5). But if you have not, kindly check it out and read……
Chapter three is based on Research Method, i.e. what are the methods used in carrying out your research. It is therefore discussed in the following sub-sections:
Design: this relates to the general approach adopted in carrying out your study. What is required here is for you to specify type of the design followed in the study. (Either, descriptive design, historical design, etc.)
Population: here, you need to specify the aggregate of items or persons from whom data pertinent to the study were collected. For example, all secondary school teachers in Victoria-island, all employee in dangote group of company, etc.
Sample and sampling technique: this means the portion of the population from which data were actually collected and including the technique used. For example, you may intend to use 500 employee and all employee in dangote group of company may be up to 2000, therefore, your sample is 500. Sampling technique is the method used in choosing the 500 employee. Is it randomly or stratified.
Research Instruments: this is the description of the instrument used in collecting your data. It should also include how the instrument was developed and by who.
Validity of the Instruments:  this describe the procedure adopted in ensuring that the instrument you used has measured what it was designed to measure. Is it a content or face validity etc.
Reliability of the Instruments: this means the consistent of the instrument in measuring whatever it measures. This is used to establish the quality of the instrument even when used repeatedly.
Data collection: all you need to do here is to report the steps taken to collect the pertinent data. Either by you (the researcher, field assistant, mail, etc.)
Data analysis: here, you need to report the statistical techniques or tools employed in analyzing your data. E.g. Multiple Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), T-test statistic, Chi square etc.
This chapter embodies the results or findings of your study. This is when your research questions and/or hypothesis you formulated in chapter one will be answered. These are usually presented in tables, figures and charts. The calculations involved in the analyses are not presented. You are only to summarize it in forms of table, figures or charts. Each table or figure should have a number and title, and they are to appear on the top of the table. But for figures, they should appear below.
During discussion, you are to advance possible interpretations and explanations to your findings and try to relate these to the findings of previous works.
Chapter 5 – summary, conclusion and recommendations
Summary: you are to provide a summary of your entire work. i.e. a brief account of the entire report.
Conclusion: the major findings that emerged from your study should constitute the conclusion
Recommendations: these are suggested actions which you think other researcher could be take in improving on the subject or topic.

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