If you read my last post, I briefly discussed some necessary things that are important to know and should have been done before writing your thesis chapters. If all those things have been done then you are ready for your first chapter.
The first chapter is a section that deals with the introduction to the topic.  It is usually arranged (depending on level, i.e. first degree or postgraduate work) under the following sub-sections:
Background to the study: in this sub-section, you need to trace the conditions and factors necessitating your study. All you need to do is to provide the necessary background information that you think will show your reader the conditions, circumstances and factors that have given rise to the problem you want to work on. Present your materials to show how the problem you are working on developed.
Statement of the problem: here you need to clearly define the problem in short and precise terms using few words as possible to give necessary information. You may state it in a declarative or an interrogative form. But, whichever way you choose to state it the most important thing is that it should be short and clear. (A half quarto size page in enough)
Purpose of the study: this can also be referred to objectives of the study, i.e. what you want to accomplish. You can break this down to specific statements, but do not generalize your statements. Make effort to avoid preambles or any materials that do not directly relate to your purpose of the study.
Significance or importance of the study: this subsection is concern with the usefulness of your findings i.e. who are to benefit from this study? Any research work should be able to find answer or solution to a specific question or problem, therefore, some people, group, organization or society at large should stand a chance to gain from your findings.
Research questions and/or hypotheses: research questions refer to the major questions to which you seek to provide answers to in your study. Research hypotheses refer to intelligent guess which you formulate to guide you in your research for the solution to the problem. (My subsequent post will fully discuss this area)
Scope of the study: the scope of the study refers to the extent of the problem you are able to tackle in your present study.  The areas or boundaries you want to cover should not be too much or too little. This will depend on your available time, resources and interest or competence.
Definition of terms: in this subsection, terms or concepts used should be defined or explained. These should include terms or concepts whose meanings are not ordinarily known or which have been used in a specialised sense.
Chapter two:
This chapter contains the literature review or review of literature.
A literature review is the summary and critical evaluation of previous published or unpublished researches made by various scholars and researchers. A review of literature gives you the knowledge about the topic, and helps to focus upon the specific problem. It provides you the bases for the development of theoretical frame work by identifying variables that are very important as determined by the previous research findings. All you need to do is to organize your work under relevant sub-heading. You are to create your sub-heading yourself, depending on the variables you are working on.

My next write-up will discuss chapter three, four and five. Keep up-to-date.

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